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Retreat Series Announcement

We were in the midst of planning our next retreat, and it came to us, ‘Why a retreat for women? What happens and who is it for?’

We really wanted to chance to take a long-form approach to really talk to you about our retreats in order to address these questions. On our retreats page, we outline what happens, where it happens and the kind of women we see at the retreats, but we long for the chance to go into real detail without the sales spin. But how? And then we remembered - we have the format! Our blog!

With that in mind, we’re going to use the next six weeks to write a series of blogs to go deep into our experience and what a retreat provides. The series will look something like this:

Week One: Outline of a Retreat - what really happens? A straight and honest look at what happens during the four days.

Week Two: Big Change - that catalyst that makes a goddess decide a retreat is just what is called for.

Week Three: Girlie Adventures - the fun parts of a retreat! Yes, there are insights and epiphanies to be had, but there’s also the bonding and letting your femme freak flag fly!

Week Four: Investing in Yourself - the money question. Are you really worth it?

Week Five: The Retreat Starts When you Register! All about commitment.

Week Six: You Shouldn’t Do This Retreat! YOU certainly don’t NEED this.

Week Seven: What’s Holding You Back? If this sounds interesting, you hear the phone ringing, why aren’t you picking up. Maybe the same thing that always holds you back?

Week Eight: Procrastination. Umm, well this one is about procrastination, so we’ll talk about that later.

So, as previously mentioned, we have a new Perfect Avocado Retreat beginning on May 1st. Maybe you can already see yourself sitting amongst a group of like-minded women and know you’re ready to register - Great, here you go! Otherwise, stick around for this series and see where you are in the next month or so. And please subscribe so you’re sure to be in on the whole conversation.

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