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Manifesting 101
Lessons from a Champion Manifestor


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

— Marianne Williamson


The only way to grow into the very best version of yourself is to start thinking, and feeling, like her. And that, my friend, is manifesting in its most essential form. 

What you may not realize is that you are always manifesting. Your current thoughts and feelings create your future reality. Your everyday thinking is how you are creating your experience of the world. Every. Single. Day. 

Every day, you have the chance to communicate with the universe and openly share what you want out of this life. With practice and intention, what you want is going to be what you get.

Would you spend an afternoon learning how to bring more creativity into your life? More space? More balance? Yes?

The first step to living in possibility is to declare that what you want is possible. Yikes! This can be scary. You may feel a little light-headed just thinking about this because your aspirations  are so out of alignment with your current experience. That’s where we bring in brain science. At Perfect Avocado Retreats, we operate at the intersection of science and woo-woo. We’ll make sure you understand that both the conscious and the unconscious are working all the time, and how you can harness one and lower the volume on the other. 


Bottom line? Manifesting is an inside job. It’s all about what you believe, irrespective of all evidence. Some champion manifesters you might recognize? Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela, the Wright Brothers. Yes, most of your heroes are likely master-manifestors. What do they have in common?

A vision of a future that no one else believed in. A future that had no evidence to support it. 

What’s your vision of the future? Ready to make it your reality?

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"Pam and Amy create a safe space for new ideas and self-reflections by using humor, stories, and challenging questions. ... I always feel refreshed, grounded, accepted, and a more knowledgeable about what makes me tick. Thank you!"


—  Virtual Retreat Alum

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