You want to be seen and heard and understood.
At this stage in life, you are asking "What's next?"
You are ready, so damn ready, to give yourself permission to think about a future unfettered by any concerns other than your very own big dreams.
That’s what Perfect Avocado Retreats is all about.
We produce juicy, transformational programs for women. We move women toward lives that are fun and moving forward. Toward adventure and power and hearts filled with love. Toward hope and positivity. Our programs support women in creating daring futures for themselves for women who are asking the question, “What now?”.

Pam and Amy
Amy Branger is a master networker, an abundance manifester and an enthusiast with a capital E.
Pam VanDeursen is a long lasting listener, a way finder, and a seeker from the word go.
Together they have been holding hands through many spiritual, geographic, marital, parental, professional and friendship adventures for over twenty five years. At the twenty five year mark, they began a practice of daily checkins to hold each other accountable to their individual practices and goals. From that practice came the brainchild to hold retreats for each other to more deeply explore their inner lives and pursue purpose. That quickly blossomed into holding retreats for other women as they move through different stages of life.
Our programs are designed to help you make choices from your own deep, gut wisdom. We’re here to encourage you to touch into that wisdom and let it guide you. If this is you, please join us for an online course, a virtual retreat, a one day event or our full fledged signature retreat.
You are looking for your people! And it includes beautiful tender, fierce, she bear, philosophers on a spiritual quest that begins inside, guided by inner wisdom
You have a tender little something inside you that wants to flower
You are tired of pushing the river and want more flow in you life
You can feel the corners of your mouth lifting while you are reading this!
After a Perfect Avocado Retreats event, you’ll go home feeling the three R’s - Renewed. Raring to go. Refreshed.

In each virtual retreat, we distill one key aspect of our signature week-long in-person retreat into a mini session and do a deep dive in that area.
Our signature retreat and the one that started it all! Take some "me time" to uncover the story that’s got you in a stranglehold, break up with it, and make a plan for a shiny fulfilling future. Leave with a sense of purpose and connection

Support That Makes a Difference
Executive Coaching
Reflective Listening Coaching

It’s tempting to be in fantasy about someday. That fuzzy, happy-ever-after when you get the job, the romantic partner, the family. The bank account is full of dough, the house is just right, you are slim and trim + know how to pick perfect avocados.
Andrea Scher
