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The Mel Robbins Show

You know that friend? The one that holds you accountable for the dream you mentioned in passing? The one that follows up and asks how your diet’s going? Your decluttering? Whatever it is you said you wanted for your life. The one that calls you on your shit. Mel Robbins is that kind of friend and now she’s being that friend for anyone who needs it.

I first met Mel 20+ years ago in a personal development seminar. That’s when I finally decided I was ready to marry my then-boyfriend. He’d been ready for months already! That weekend Mel supported me and held space for me to realize what was holding me back. She’s the one who gave me the best wedding day advice I have ever received, and I have passed it on dozens of times. “After the ceremony is over,” she said, “turn around and don’t rush down the aisle. Stand there and count to 10. Be with all of the people and the love for you in that room” We took her advice and it was a profound moment for both of us.

Mel and I have fallen in and out of touch over the years as happens when you have kids. She moved to the suburbs - I stayed in the city. I followed her career from when she was a radio host where I would meet her downtown for lunches, to an author, to public speaker, and now as a TV host. A couple of weeks ago while in NYC to attend the book launch of Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo, I went to a taping of Mel’s new syndicated daytime talk show “The Mel Robbins Show”. It was amazing to see Mel doing exactly what she was born to do! Coaching people, loving people and

showing us all we have the power to create the life we want.

I had a few minutes to catch up with her after the show. She asked about my family and I told her that Andrew and I had separated. Whenever I share this news, everyone else always replies with “I’m sorry.” Not Mel. Right away her response was “Are you happy?” She didn’t assume that this was a bad time for me. I was able to reply truthfully and enthusiastically “Yes!” This is a great example of how the stories we tell ourselves (and allow others to narrate) shape our experience. Like the wedding day advice I plan to take this and use it anytime I hear of a couple separating.

Check out Mel’s show. It’s just the kick in the pants you may need. And if you’re ready to uncover the story that’s been running your life sign up for our e-course The Story of Your Life.

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